Aabshaar is a registered society, having its registered office at VidhyadharNagar , Jaipur ,Rajasthan , India which was formed with an idea to uplift Indian literature and art . It is small group of young and bright writers.
The members of Aabshaar are located at various places across India i.e. Jaipur ,Jodhpur , Delhi , Lucknow , Pune , Chandigarh.
Aabshaar and its members feels that all type of art and literature are the part and parcel of one big root, so they never hesitate the promotion of any kind of art , whether it is poetry , painting , music and any other form and that too with any second thought about the language in which the same has been written.
We feel if Himalaya is the symbol of our civilization then ganga is the name of our culture and roots. Any individual who is committed to any sort of art and literature is our member and we welcome him to join us in our cause
Very appreciable efforts.